Monday, October 5, 2009

His Holiness The Dalai Lama in Calgary

Last week, on September 30th at the Saddledome, we had the privilege to have here in Calgary His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama. In one unique and magical event, people from all ages, religious traditions, backgrounds and walks of life were able to experience for themselves the energy of being in the presence of a great master who, with humility, sense of humor and straightforward sincerity, captivated the whole audience.

Even though subjects such as “world peace” and “compassion” are not entirely new, hearing the Dalai Lama explaining how we should strive on this direction can be very compelling. Inner peace, through the cultivation of a tranquil mind are his recommendations so we can first change the world in the individual level and extend it to the family, community, city, state, country, and worldwide levels subsequently. His Holiness emphasized that the world is getting smaller and smaller, so it doesn’t make sense we keep differentiating ourselves as “us” and “them”, and concluded “harming your neighbor is harming yourself”.

In our search for happiness we condition ourselves to events and circumstances without which we might become sad and depressed, making us say words and make actions we might regret afterwards, so we keep leading our lives blindly guided by impulses. Although His Holiness calls himself “a simple Buddhist monk”, it has been evident through the story of his life, as well as through the energy of his presence, how having the lucidity which arises from a controlled mind can bring infinite benefits to infinite beings.
